Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

April 10, 2020

As a sit in the silence of my home this morning, pondering all that has been happening around the world, but especially in our small corner of Minnesota, I find myself wondering why today, of all days, is it called Good. It seems that Christ's journey to death is anything but good!

While I may feel this, when you look closely at the events of Good Friday, it is clear that it commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death.  It is a day to remember His sacrifice for all. This day is the anniversary of Christ's suffering, but a suffering that leads to the Resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death and sin.  Can we ask for a greater sacrifice?

This all takes me back in memory to the year I spent in Seville, Spain (during my sophomore year in college). The year in itself was an experience to remember but during Holy Week, and especially on Good Friday, I am transported back to a place where an entire city came together in mourning and honoring of the death of Christ on this solemn day.

There are these huge pasos (which look like floats) and are carried by men (they are literally under the float carrying the paso through the streets). They are surrounded by the entire city, walking them through the streets.  The pasos depict scenes from the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary as well as imagines of the grieving Virgin Mary.

There is much that goes into Semana Santa de Sevilla (Holy week in Seville) including, singing and a very specific order to the procession. On Good Friday, we stayed up all night walking the streets with the pasos, praying, mourning, and singing as the pasos made their way to the Cathedral.

While I feel so blessed to have been able to experience Semana Santa in Seville and note how incredible different it is than our traditions in Excelsior, MN, no matter where you are on Good Friday, it is ALWAYS going to be a Good day, a Holy day.  It is 'good' because we know that death is no longer the final word. Easter comes which is the pinnacle of Christian celebrations.

So, take some time today, remembering the gift given as we celebrate the Eucharist at 3:00pm, the hour Jesus said, "It is finished" and breathed His last....knowing full well that the celebration of Easter is right around the corner.

Fun Fact: 12 states of the USA observe Good Friday as a state holiday.

Video explaining Good Friday: Click here

Mass Live Streamed: Click HERE

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