Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Kindergarten Bridging Ceremony

May 13, 2020

It is time to honor our Kindergartners!! We shall do so with our traditional Bridging Ceremony!

What is this:

This is our congratulations as we celebrate and recognize the growth and personal achievement of each current Kindergartner in a meaningful and heartfelt way.
Instead of graduations and receiving a diploma, the children would typically walk across a bridge to symbolize this profound "passing through." This concrete experience to bridge to the Elementary classroom marks a significant period of growth in a child's life. It is also an exciting beginning to new adventures and discoveries for the Elementary child at St. John's.
Even a pandemic cannot stop us from celebrating with these students...we invite you all to join us! The Bridging Ceremony will happen next Wednesday, May 20th at 10:30AM as we REALLY want Mrs. Salonek to be able to welcome her new E1 students BEFORE she goes into labor (baby is due May 23).
For those who do not have a Kindergartner, simply drive to school, park in the spots in the center of the lot, leaving a parking spot empty between cars.  You are invited to bring noise makers to join the celebratory sound after "bridging". :)
As of right now, besides staff, everyone must remain inside their vehicles...our goal is to have lots of fun celebrating these Kindergartners while ensuring we follow the guidelines requested of us.
Join me in congratulating our Kindergartners
Graduation class of 2032!!









1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and God bless all of our bridging students! What an exciting milestone!


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