For those of you who have Face Book, you are probably well aware of how it pulls posts and pictures from the past for you to visit with again. Yesterday, I was not the least bit frustrated with this feature when it pulled up this picture:
These are my sweet little ones about one year after we moved to the area and started attending St. John the Baptist in Excelsior.
We had been living in Winona and moved to Chaska. One of the greatest challenges that we faced when we experienced Jim's layoff, was the loss of not only their Montessori school but the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. This hit hard. Sure, I was an educator and while I believe in the Domestic Church and that education doesn't just happen within four walls, the experience from inside the Atrium simply could not be replicated in the corner of a room somewhere in my house! Therefore, when we moved to Chaska, our mission was to locate a church that not only had a pew to fit our whole family (so no one had to sit behind a pillar) but we desired a church that also had perpetual adoration and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. I will never forget the feeling of overwhelming joy that came with finding St. John's. We ended up being so blessed! This picture marks Jeremiah's First Communion...what a happy boy he is...what a happy day!
Funny, how I never realized it, but 8 years later, on the same day, Jeremiah was to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Knowing that all things work together for good, we rest in knowing that while Confirmation has not yet happened, it is going to be an even more appreciated sacrament due to the times we are in. Each of the girls, now already confirmed, came into their Confirmation with circumstances that (while challenging at the time) have helped them embrace their faith and this sacrament, thus giving them a living faith. I am sure everyone has a are ours:
- Samantha: Confirmation sponsor moved to Rome, we figured out a stand-in but she than ended up not being available for her confirmation date. Ugg! Confirmation date was cancelled due to an April snowstorm that shut MN down. Silver-lining: The new confirmation date allowed time for her confirmation sponsor to return from Rome AND her stand-in made it too! She was double blessed!
- Teresa: Confirmation sponsor was diagnosed with blood cancer and was not "projected" to be living on her confirmation date. We worked to figure out the best solution which ended up with Teresa having her confirmation with a different parish so her sponsor could be there. Silver-lining: Her sponsor was at her confirmation and was so honored it could happen around her health challenges. She passed away about a month later. This really brought home the beauty of life and how precious it is. This is why we celebrate so much!
- Tabitha: Not nearly as trying as her sisters (no life and death situation), but her confirmation date was changed from the original date and because of that, Jeremiah missed it. A bummer for the family, but he now is even more excited to receive the sacrament.
The end of the story is still in limbo for Jeremiah but it certainly does make me wonder what is in store for us when it is Noah's turn! We have already experienced: sponsor on another continent, life and death, a pandemic...what's left?!?
We pray for all those who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
A few other tidbits:
- Coming into school this morning, I heard that Minnesota's National Guard will be flying fighter jets over state hospital today in honor of healthcare workers. It will happen sometime between 10:55 am and 11:50 am...maybe you will get a glimpse?
- The Daughters of St. Paul have recorded story time for kids. Enjoy!
- Ms. Rose Ann read aloud: Link here

A few pictures from our homes:
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