Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Celebrate Kindergartners!

May 20, 2020

Today is the day we celebrate our Kindergarten graduates! 

Remember: School parking lot at 10:30AM  (bring some noise makers).  :)









This also feels like a perfect day for me to be able to share an excerpt from a letter I received about our accreditation through MNSAA (Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association).

"Dear Ms. Wroblewski, 

It is my pleasure to inform you that on May 18, 2020, the MNSAA Board of Directors granted unconditional accredited status effective immediately for the K-8 academic program of St. John the Baptist Catholic Montessori School in Excelsior. In accordance with our policy, the seven-year eligibility status of your school has been extended through June 30, 2024 – retroactive to the last date of full accreditation.

The board was pleased with SJB’s progress reports and your assurance that the recommendations left by the onsite team have been met. MNSAA anticipates that these improvement initiatives will go forward into the future. Your leadership and efforts to meet these MNSAA requirements during this unprecedented year is admirable and appreciated."

Thank you to everyone who worked to make this happen!

The celebration continues!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Something Right

May 19, 2020

We all have such beautiful gifts in our children.  Of course, I live with mine so it is easy to share from my experiences.  Everyday is not all peaches and cream, but there are moments in which you know you must have done something right! I credit the following to having found Montessori education and the fact that Jeremiah spent years in such an environment. 

Jeremiah decided to create his own version of an ice cream cake.  He made his ingredients list, went shopping, and spent a good half day creating his masterpiece.

Little did he know that when he started, the spring foam pan would be missing the bottom (a causality of too many cheesecakes).  Yet, that did not stop him...he created a bottom out of cardboard (I did have to help him think through what would happen if he used an exact-o knife on the kitchen table). He then covered it with parchment paper.  He then made a strip of parchment paper to go around the edge so when he removed the spring form side, the ice cream would stay where it was suppose to stay.

This was not an ordinary cake.  He cut up ice cream sandwiches and stacked them around the edges.  He added a layer of Neapolitan ice cream inside of that.  Added another layer of ice cream sandwiches, a layer of chocolate ice cream, a layer of cookies crumbles and then chocolate sauce.
Final layer of ice cream

Adding the cookie crumbles

Last night, after diner, the ice cream cake came out. He was serving his master piece to everyone but did not serve himself.  I asked him if he was going to have some and he replied, "No, it has too much chocolate on it."

While his sisters where completely fine with the ice cream cake being left for them to enjoy (they LOVE chocolate), it made me think about how Montessori education has given Jeremiah a gift.  All the elements of the classroom played out through him (even as a 16 year old):

  • Independence
  • Self Motivation
  • Taking Initiative
  • Creativity
  • Making a mess and cleaning it up
  • Freedom within limits
  • Confidence
  • Self Discipline
  • Organizational Skills
  • Concentration
  • Communication Skills
  • Innovation

“The secret of good teaching is to regard the child’s intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination.  Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core.” - Maria Montessori

Thank you to the Montessori Method that has enthused Jeremiah to his inmost core! 

This mother's heart is full! :)


“Let us treat them [children], therefore, with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them.” (Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook)

A few pictures from our homes:

Monday, May 18, 2020

Celebrating Louis Michael Salonek!

Thank you for your prayers for the safe delivery of this sweet little one.  

A message from dad:

"We had to have a C-section, the cord was wrapped around his neck 4 times. 

Meet Louis Michael Salonek

Born May 18, 2020 at 8:38am
5 lbs 11 oz
19.5 inches"

Congratulations Mrs. Salonek and Kyle!

Over the weekend

May 18, 2020

While I sit to write this morning, my mind is overtaken with excitement as we prepare for the Bridging Ceremony on Wednesday AND as we pray for the safe and healthy delivery of Mrs. Salonek's baby (they are in the hospital). :)

Last week we have been working on the grounds and the garden.
Mr. Mike in spring cleaning around the grounds

Mr. Kramer tilling the garden

Children planting their seedlings

From our homes:
Ms. Rose Ann making pasta with a delicious meatball sauce.

Homemade deliciousness!
Numerous layered ice cream dessert

Friday, May 15, 2020

THANK YOU Catechists

May 15, 2020

Today I would like to take a few minutes to say THANK YOU to those who work with our children in the Atrium. You give a gift that is precious to each and every child. Through the preparation of the Atrium space and the presentations given, seeds are planted and grow in the hearts and minds of even the youngest child. 

"The atrium is an environment which is carefully prepared to foster the religious life of the child. The materials and images placed there help the child to concentrate and reflect; thus, they nurture the child's natural capacity for contemplation." -Gianna Gobbi

Here is a link to a 3 minute video about CGS.

Here is an article on what why Saint John Paul II said this (CGS) was the most beautiful homily he ever saw.

Ms. Nicky- Lead Catechist

Ms. Tami - Supporting Catechist

Ms. Pugh - Atrium Assistant


Join us for our school Mass live at 9am. 


A few pictures from our Atrium:


Passing on the following opportunity:

Virtual Retreat: Let’s Talk about Truth – Drawing on the Wisdom of Dominican Spirituality for Our Challenging Time

Learn more here.


Life is a challenge, meet it!

January 18, 2021 Do you ever feel like it takes forever to journey through January?  Do you ever just have one of those days where you feel ...