December 6, 2020
Today is quite a day! Not only do we celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas and the 2nd Sunday of Advent, but in our home, we also celebrate Jeremiah!
We were blessed 17 years ago with a little boy bundle of joy. His sisters where the happiest to be able to have a real-live-doll to dress and push in their strollers. :) I think his whole life has been met with the need to have SO much patience that it has continued to bless him and be a virtue of choice!
I remember being SO glad he was born as he had been two weeks overdue. With the announcement at birth that we had a boy, I was suddenly both elated and frightened all at once. You see, I grew up with only sisters (5 of them actually) and lived on a farm in the middle of no where...I never knew any little guys! Now I was being given the responsibility of setting this sweet one on the right track! YIKES!
Good thing I was not alone!
Over the years, he has grown in mind, body and soul. He has become a responsible, active citizen who does what is right even when it is hard. He is independent and pursues what he is interested in, not worrying about what others may think of him....being kind and courageous never goes out of style!
He had the whitest hair as a very young boy, was constantly smiling, and always trying to keep up with his sisters. Jer was a welcome addition to our very girl-dominate family.
2 year old Jeremiah
Jer, Tabi, Teresa and Sam All the children at great-grandparents farm. |
He has taught me much about being a parent of a boy, pre-teen, teenager and what we now call "a man-in-training". In much the same way that St. Nicholas was looking out for others, Jeremiah has followed his birthday saint.
Jer with new brother, Noah. |
Whether Jer is giving his time, talent or treasure, he is always looking out for others and willingly sacrifices gifts for himself to encourage and bring happiness to friends and family. This spirit of giving has permeated our house.
Jer has learned to love music with an incredible passion. Much square footage is designated to his instruments...all of which he has taught himself how to play. He uses his music to encourage others and bring glory to God. (While this can be the case, it is regularly requested that he turn his music-making down so his sibling can study.)
Electric Drums |
Regular Drums |
Full Sized Keyboard |
Cajon |
Ukulele |
Guitar |
During these challenging days of COVID, I think it is easy to get on one another's nerves....especially in the winter months when being outside isn't always easy.
On this 2nd Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of PEACE.
Jesus came and brought peace and brought peace in ways that were unexpected. If we take some time to honor each other and encourage one another, we shift the focus off ourselves, allowing Him to bring inner peace. Additionally, encouragement brings about the peace that we can have with each other, setting aside differences and resting in knowing we are all apart of the same family.
Happy Feast of St. Nicholas - Happy 2nd Sunday of Advent - Happy Birthday Jeremiah!
It's a triple celebration!!
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